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First Steps to Leadership Workshop

The First Steps to Leadership Workshop is an exciting, interactive one-day experience designed to empower students aged 9 - 11 by building self-confidence and essential leadership skills.

Through fun activities, role-playing, group work, and lively discussions, students will discover their potential as leaders. They will gain the confidence to lead both themselves and others while developing the skills to inspire and work within a team.

Regular price £600.00

£25.00 Per Student

Schedule A Workshop For Your Students

If you are interested in offering this transformative workshop to your students, please feel free to book time in my diary to discuss the programme and potential dates.

Our workshop is structured into two key sessions, each focused on different aspects of leadership:

Session 1: Self-Awareness

Who am I?

In this session students realise the potential for greatness that is in everyone, learn that good leaders judge a person by personal traits, discover the importance of self-confidence and explore who they are and what they are capable of achieving. 

Session 2: Working With Others


In this session students recognise the benefits of teamwork, see how effective teams distribute leadership to those with the appropriate skills, learn that no individual is more important than the team and discover that each individual contributes distinct skills to the team.

What students say

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